Decision in this case is a reminder for statutory authorities to look closely at the legislation conferring their rights, obligations and power to determine the extent of any duty of care owed.
The Planning and Environment Court of Queensland has upheld a local government's decision to approve a childcare centre despite non-compliance with the planning scheme.
The case of James Speed Company Pty Ltd v State of Queensland [2022] FCA 626 concerned an application under section 13(1)(a) and section 61(1) of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth).
The case of Bell Co Pty Ltd & Ors v Council of the City of Gold Coast & Anor [2022] QPEC 32 concerned a submitter appeal to the Planning and Environment Court of Queensland against the decision of the Council of the City of Gold Coast.
The recent decision confirms that detailed particulars of an alleged event causing injury are not required to achieve compliance for a Notice of Claim for Damages served under Queensland's workers' compensation framework.
A permanent stay of proceedings may not be granted even if the defendant is experiencing dementia or cognitive decline.