I have been with Colin Biggers & Paisley in the Property Brendan-Maier_WEB_BW-(1).jpgand Development team for 15 years. I've been working flexibly for the last two years after I became aware that something needed to change. I was feeling pulled in too many directions, tired, working long hours and felt that I wasn't seeing enough of my family.

I adopted a number of techniques and rituals to manage and optimise my energy levels including:

  • practising yoga every morning, using the time to be still, reenergise and set an intention for the day
  • cycling into the office a few days a week
  • listening to podcasts - a favourite is 'Conversations' with Richard Fidler on ABC radio
  • being more conscious of my nutrition and the impact it has on my energy levels

I now work from home every Friday with my surface pro device. This gives me extra time with my kids, to help with homework and take them to their after school activities. Twice a week I also try to leave the office at 4pm to make sure I'm home early and can have dinner with my family. They have enjoyed having me around more.

What makes this work for me, my team and the practice is structure. Priorities are set as a team and as individuals and everyone is clear on their role and responsibilities. My team and clients know I work flexibly and that they can always reach me whether I'm in the office, at home, on my bike or at my kids' after school activities.

The main benefit of this working arrangement is that I now have more energy in my life. I'm happier and so are my family. I'm present, attentive and is more productive at a level that is sustainable.