location_on Sydney
Kristen Lopes
Kristen has been a partner in Colin Biggers & Paisley's employment and safety team since 2008 with specialist experience in employment and education law. She is an experienced litigator who regularly acts on behalf of clients in the Fair Work Commission, the courts and anti-discrimination tribunals.
Kristen supports clients throughout the litigation process by way of strategy development and providing solution-based advice.
Kristen assists clients respond to unfair dismissal applications, general protection claims, stop bullying and harassment applications, discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying complaints and underpayment claims in addition to common law breach of contract claims.
Kristen provides a holistic approach to the employment needs of clients and regularly advises on issues that arise throughout the employment lifecycle and presents compliance training to clients on employment topics. In addition, Kristen advises on the interpretation of award and enterprise agreement provisions, managing staff performance or conduct issues and staff terminations. Kristen also works with clients to manage allegations of bullying, harassment, discrimination reportable conduct and underpayments.
Kristen acts on behalf clients across diverse sectors including: education, faith-based, insurance, aged care, retail, financial, manufacturing, clubs, healthcare, construction, shipping and not for profit.
Kristen also has extensive experience speaking at conferences and conducting client seminars and training on workplace issues. She has a special interest in managing workplace discrimination, harassment and bullying.
In 2010, Kristen received a Master of Laws degree with first class honours from the University of Sydney, focusing on comparative employment law. Kristen obtained the prize in advanced employment law in 2007 and was a finalist in the 2008 McCallum Medal Presentation competition where she presented on workplace bullying.
Kristen was called to the bar in Ontario Canada and practised employment law as a partner in one of Canada's leading law firms until she relocated to Australia and was admitted as a solicitor in NSW in 2006.
Kristen is a member of the Law Society of New South Wales, The Australian Labour Lawyers Association, The Diversity Council, HRXBR Association (Human Resources Cross Borders), Australian Institute of Employment Rights, Australia New Zealand Education Law Association (ANZELA) and the NSW Equal Employment Opportunity Practitioners Association (NEEOPA)