The 2024-2025 Australian federal budget released this month continues to balance inflationary pressures with cost-of-living concerns.
A bar supervisor at a Sydney hotel had her employment terminated after venting on a Facebook group chat about management. This was deemed a valid reason for dismissal by the Fair Work Commission.
On 27 May 2024, the ASX updated its 'Listing Rules Guidance Note 8 Continuous Disclosure' to include an example and commentary specific to a listed entity's disclosure obligations in the event of a cyber incident or data breach.
Colin Biggers & Paisley's Melbourne Planning, Government, Infrastructure and Environment team has advised Amber Property Group (Amber) on obtaining permit permission for its newest mixed-use retirement village development at 422-430 Johnston Street, Abbotsford.
The Planning and Environment Court of Queensland has found that issues in dispute in a substantive proceeding must first be identified before orders limiting the issues in dispute can be made.
Qld Court of Appeal has dismissed an appeal against a decision of the Supreme Court of Queensland that a new landowner seeking to enforce a give and take agreement could not do so as it was not a party to the give and take agreement.